Monday, April 11, 2011

open letter to loved ones

Dear <your name here>,

I have been a poor <enter relationship here> for a while, now. Several months, in fact. I know it. It was hard to realize at first, with my being so wrapped up in my own drama business. But as the months have dragged on, it has become clearer and clearer to me that I am lacking in empathy (even more so that normal) and all of those things associated with being a good <friend, sister, daughter, wife, mother, etc>.

I really appreciate all of your understanding, strength and wisdom. And even as I neglect my part of the bargain, I do know how blessed I am to have you in my life. Where would I be without the support of my friends and family? Well, without some of you, I'd be bankrupt and homeless (possibly jobless?) in Omaha. Without others, I'd still be crying.

Although I'm still as stressed as ever, at least I have now become self-aware enough to realize what a crappy friend I've been back. Please continue to be patient with me, but I do pledge to turn a corner on this bad behavior and become the friend I should have been all along.

With love,

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