Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Come on, man!

I just updated a few friends on the status of what's going down in Omaha, and it has made me feel completely despaired, angry, and frustrated. So instead of re-hashing that nonsense anymore, I'll focus on the best thing of the week. Today is my husband's birthday.

I'm so excited and happy about it. He thinks it's because he's older than me, now, and I somehow derive great pleasure from that prospect, but in reality, it's much more complicated than that. When we met, we were just getting out of our 20s. He mentioned to me that he'd be OK in his 30s, but he thought that his 40s would be his best years. Well...we're still stuck in the 30s, but so far, I think he's pretty great, and each year that goes by, I'm reminded of that statement he made in passing. I see in him anticipation for the future, but also a lot of terrific memories of the past. I can't wait to wake up one morning and say, "happy birthday" to my 80 year old husband because I know that by then, we'll have made more memories than we'll be able to remember.

In honor of Ben's birthday, I worked extra super hard at spin class. Ben's a biker. I am not so much. I've been taking spin classes (trying for M-W-F, but generally only hitting twice a week) in the mornings for a while now to force myself into becoming a better biker. Some mornings, I'm certain it's not working. Today, though, I was sure Ben would be proud. I don't have a lot (or anything, really) planned for his big day. I'm not even sure what his plans are. But I know that thinking about his birthday will put a smile on my face today. Because that means I've been blessed to know this wonderful man for another year, and it's the start of something more exciting in the next.

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