Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coulda been so beautiful...

Today was the day I was supposed to get my hair cut. The glorious, life changing hair cut that would solve all my problems. The thing is, one of my problems popped up, and I had to re-schedule the hair appointment for next Wednesday.

It's not that I COULDN'T have gotten my hair cut tonight. It just would have meant that Bubba would have to stay at daycare an extra hour past my normal get-home time, which would mean an extra three hours at daycare for him since Ben usually picks him up well before I get home. I didn't want to do that to the poor little buddy. So...I have another week to grow this hair out some more before it's gone.

If I'm feeling brave, I'll post pics of my long hair later. A week from now, I'll post pics of my short hair. I prefer it short, but Ben prefers it long. Lucky for him, I start growing it out as soon as I chop it off for the next round of Locks of Love. The problem with making hair donations is that I can't really manage to grow it out every year. The nice thing is that when it does come time to chop it all off, I'm ready for it to go.

In other news, I found 3 pennies yesterday and 1 so far today. I actually found 2, but one was in the middle of a busy street, so I couldn't really go pick it up. I'll see if it's still there on my way home.

22 hours from now, we'll know whether or not the judge has decided to sign the order. All signs point to "yes." I'm going to need to find another penny (or 12) tomorrow morning!

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