Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. This year, it shares a day with Good Friday. It makes sense: yesterday was Maundy Thursday, which celebrates Jesus' injunction to love one another, and then today, we love one another by taking care of the Earth. Or something like that. Today I did my part by taking the train to work. Except I do that everyday. Maybe I'll take the recycling out when I get home. Ben usually does that dirty job.

The "other side" has had our draft order for the judge to sign for 10 days, now. Do you think they've made any comments? No. Other than the opposing lawyer said YESTERDAY that she was going to review and get back to us YESTERDAY. When my lawyer asked about it again, she said she'd have it to us TODAY. It's 10 till 5pm out there. Nothing. Infuriating.

So ready for this to be done. So, so, so ready.

This weekend looks like it's going to be beautiful. We have plans to go to the Saturday market and then eat out of a food cart downtown. We were going to do a nice Sunday brunch, but in an effort to save $50 or so, we'll eat an equally delicious meal from one of my coworkers husband's food cart. I've eaten there twice, so far, and so far been super impressed at how delicious the Greek-food-cooked-by-a-Brazillian was. I'm excited to introduce Ben and Bubba to it tomorrow.


  1. I'm amazed that that lawyer can still practice law after the way she has blatantly disregarded the judge and the rules. Not showing up for appointments with the judge, not being prepared for the appointment with the judge, paperwork not being finished within the specified time-frame, who does she think she is?
