Monday, April 4, 2011

1 down, ?? to go...

It's been a week since I took Scooter back to her dad's. She now has a cough (spring allergy season), and had to use her inhaler at soccer on Friday. Yay for Omaha allergies. Boo for not being able to just stay in Portland to avoid that nonsense. I have it on good authority that her dad does not have a nebulizer at his house (even though one was seems when they realized the cost, they just left it at Walgreens rather than get it). Hopefully, Scooter can survive the next few weeks without hospitalization until she can come out here. Ridiculous.

This weekend was pretty fun. Saturday we drove around Portland. Ben took photos while Bubba and I played and sang songs. It was sunny, but colder than it has been. We stopped for lunch at a food cart. There aren't as many open on the weekends, but we got brats from a very authentic-sounding brat cart. The proprietor had a German accent and he played a cassette-deck with oompah music while he cooked. Cheery!

After that, we had lots of errands to run, which we did with glee. I got my library card, and I also got a membership to REI. We've always used Ben's, but they were having a deal on that kind of stuff, so I signed up, too. My wallet is beginning to look like Costanza's. Not really, but it seems like it to me.

We skyped with Ben's parents and Scooter. She seemed to have some selective hearing on that skype, but it was really nice to see her. Scooter had a good time making Easter cookies and playing games. We ended up taking LATE naps - like 5pm. Bubba and I fell asleep in Scooter's bed, and when I woke up after 10pm, we decided maybe we should just go to bed. Bubba slept until 6:30 the next morning.

Sunday was another lazy day, work out-wise. I didn't go to the gym. No swimming this week. We rode the train downtown to Ben's movie theatre, and the Bubba and I walked around a little before taking the train back. Bubba had a normal nap on Sunday, and we kind of spent the day around the apartment before going to bed early.

I finished Death in the Afternoon last week, so I checked out a David Sedaris book from the library on Saturday. His books are good for the train ride because they're funny, and the chapters are short. I can finish one (or two) on the ride and have a good stopping place when I get to my stop. The problem with reading good writers is that it makes me realize how mundane my writing is. Again...I'll try to spruce this stuff up a bit.

Today is another hearing to clarify stuff in the judge's order. It was supposed to kick off at 4pm central time. I haven't heard from my lawyer, yet, which means that it's actually happening right now. Hopefully, something will go our way. My stomach is in knots. I'm ready for this to be done.

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