Monday, February 21, 2011

You spin me right round, baby....

I made it to spin class today. Hooray! Happy President's day, everyone! It was a spintastic morning. The instructor was a guest. I guess she'd taught there before, but not for a few years. She was back, and she was awesome. Better music than we've heard in a while, too. She even incorporated some tabata-style intervals into the middle of the workout (20 seconds all out, 10 second recovery 8 times). So what if I felt like barfing after class? I think it was worth it.

I kind of like the am classes as compared to the evening classes. For one thing, I'm not the least in-shape person in the room. Not that I'm keeping track of all the people who are better or worse than me, but it is nice to see a couple of people at or below my skill level. For another, it's not nearly as busy. When I snuck into the evening class a few weeks ago, I was one of three people who had not signed up for the class ahead of time. 27 people had signed up, and they'd done so 3 hours before the class started. At least a few of those people (if not all - I still need to check the policy on that) paid a $1.00 for the benefit of knowing they were signed up. The instructor kind of stressed the importance of signing up, and not just walking in. Oops. My guilty conscience really burned that night. The morning class is not like that at all. It's maybe 1/2 full, if that, and the instructors (so far) have been very nice about welcoming people in. And it's still a great work out. It might not be given by the Matthew McConaughey look alike, but when I'm gasping for breath while sweating through my shirt, I'm not exactly wanting to interact with MM. I'd rather run into him on my way into work, when my hair and make up are fresh.

The morning was rushed, and I had to take my #3 choice train, but I think I'll try to keep this up 3 times a week. It's a good workout, and even though my legs feel like jelly when I take the stairs at work, I think it'll be a good thing in the long run. Who knows. Maybe I'll enter another triathlon this year...


  1. You just summed up all of my probs with taking group classes! I worry about my skill level and coordination. I worry about MM look alikes and having to interact with them while I'm sweaty and fat instead of fresh faced and fat. There's a lot of worrying going on.

  2. I know! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Does anyone else worry like that, or is it just us?

  3. I don't necessarily worry about the MM look alikes but I worry that I am the worst out of a group and everyone else is wondering why I am even there.

  4. I had the experience of being the worst out of a group shortly after Bubba was born. What I've found is that although they're probably THINKING "why is she here?" they ACT very nice and supportive. The MM look alike, on the other hand, tries to pretend that people like me don't exist.
