Monday, February 7, 2011


Well, we're back in Omaha. It's only for a few days, but it's not my favorite place to be. For one thing, it's COLD out here. I'm not a fan of this weather, nor of the dirty car that comes with driving in this weather. I'm also not a fan of why we're back. Trial day is tomorrow. My stomach has been flipping around for weeks, now, but it's nothing compared to what's been happening since we landed on Saturday afternoon. Flips, turns, kicks, acid, you name it, my body's been doing it. I am having a hard time keeping my nerves and emotions in check.

I'm so nervous, in part, because I know what to expect this time around. I'm also nervous because my portion of this dance is done. So the case rests on the shoulders of my lawyer, now. Will he ask the "right" questions? What are the "right" questions? Argh! I'm also nervous because, supposedly, this is it. Tomorrow is the day it all goes down, and then we wait for the verdict. And that terrifies me. It terrifies me because all along, we've done the right thing with the wrong result. What if this is just more of the same? What if we just threw away $30,000 for no reason? What if I have to move back to this horribly cold, snowy place without a job, without anymore savings, without without without.

I can only hope that a stranger that doesn't know me or my family can make the right decision for us.

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