Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think I found my new hair professional. His name is Jeff, and it turns out that he's not gay. I was under the impression that straight men didn't have the "touch" to do hair. I'll admit. I tried applying a stereotype to a hair dresser. Does that make me sexist? Gendist? Please don't say that I'm a homophobe! (although I will admit that I was really scared when I realized he was straight).

He was pretty expensive, but it's kind of what I expected for hair servicing in Portland compared to the prices in Omaha. I'm happy to report that he broke down the stereotype and gave my mop some style and finesse, while keeping the length I need to donate to locks of love. He wasn't the quickest cut in the land, and his technique was insane (scissors in the right hand, upside down), but I'm happy with the result, which I haven't been with the last few hair places I've tried. The best part was that he thinks I'll be ready to chop this stuff off at my next appointment. I need to start looking for good short cuts!

Since I was able to go to my hair appointment, I guess you can guess that we don't have any snow, yet. They've changed the forecast several times, but I've been given the green light to work from home tomorrow if the streets are scary in the morning. Here's to hoping.


  1. Man - I applaud you. I originally grew mine for locks of love, and now I like it so much that I selfishly want to keep it!

  2. I think that's the difference between you and me. I end up HATING my hair when it gets long. Plus, you look good with your long hair. I can't wait to see Jeff again and get this mess cut off!

  3. I always thought your hair looked good long though, I have never seen you with short hair so maybe you look even better!

  4. Ben't pretty reluctant about me cutting the long hair, too. I have to remind him that I was only about 6 months into growing it out again when I met him.
