Monday, February 14, 2011

The weekend

We had a good weekend, except for the part where the whole family (Bubba - maybe? - excluded) feels guilty about having fun weekends when we know that Scooter is most likely bored out of her skull at her dad's house. Ugh.

I got back into the pool for the first time in months (like 9). I was surprisingly awful. As in...right after Bubba was born, and I was getting back into the swing of things, I would swim one hour or 100 laps, which ever came first. I would consistently hit 100 laps at around the 50-55 minute mark. On Saturday, I hit one hour at about 60 laps. I didn't even go a mile. Argh. In my defense, though, the pool was packed full, and some weirdo was floating on a noodle in the middle of my lane. Ok...really, I just stank up the joint. I'll do better next time.

Ben did some mountain biking on Saturday, too at Stub Stewart state park. He made a new friend, so hopefully, he'll have a riding buddy for a few other fun trips. It's a little harder for me to ride w/ Ben these days. 1...I'm not very good. and 2. (maybe more importantly??), we have Bubba around. Not that Bubba would'nt LOVE to be strapped onto a bike and careen down a mountain, but it's probably not safe, and Ben and I surely don't want to also have him strapped on for the inclines. He's getting heavy.

Sunday was a lovely day for a hike, so we drove down to Silver Falls state park for a short hike to one of their 10 waterfalls. Ben took some lovely pictures while Bubba and I said "hi" or "heyo" to each of the 50+ other hikers we passed. Bubba was in the backpack carrier, and he'd pop his head out over my shoulder and make the other hikers laugh or smile. For me, it really only made my shoulder ache. After that, we spent a lovely afternoon with Ben's aunt and uncle and cousin.

I got to talk to Scooter on the way home from Crawfordsville, and for the first time in a while, she was really talkative. Don't get me wrong. We talk everyday, and she always has something to say, but yesterday, she was really filling me in on school and soccer and life in general. It was fantastic. And then her dad made her get off the phone. She was in the middle of a sentence, and suddenly, it was, "oh. Ok. I have to wrap it up." And, as always when she gets cut off, she went into her shell and was suddenly quiet and baby-talkish. It infuriates me.

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