Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I don't really care if that's not a real word. It's how I felt for most of the day. Stress is getting to me, and there was a certain email at work from the CIO that made me stress a bit. But then I went to swim lessons (for Bubba, not me.  I already know how to swim) and all was better, even if it's not perfect. He likes being in the pool, even if he does prefer to not have his face anywhere near water.We still like to go and sing songs and bounce around in the pool.

I also discovered another cool SQL trick today. I'm not prepared to share it. Mostly b/c I'd have to write a bunch of extra stuff to make it generic, but I'll give you a gist:  ROW NUMBER () OVER ([<partition_by_clause>] <order_by_clause>).  It basically means that you can get SQL to return a line number given a primary key and the order in which you want it returned. Today, I needed a row number for every transaction by account. And it worked for me. Even though it's a struggle right now, I know eventually, I'll get to a point where these insane SQL statements that take me hours to figure out will only take 30 minutes. At least, that's what the goal is.

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