Thursday, February 24, 2011

Carby, not crabby

I'm hungry. I'm starving, and I'd like nothing more than a calorie-laden giant bad-for-me lunch. I'll end up with fish, ramen, and yogurt when I get around to getting up out of my seat.  This morning, on our way to Bubba's "school," there was SNOW ON THE VALLEY FLOOR. All .25 inches of it. Basically a dusting, but with giant, wet, heavy flakes. And since it was right at 32 degrees, I had to scrape the car. If there's one thing about Portland winters that's true, it's that if the temp drops below 34, you'll have to scrape your car windows. It's moist out here.

I made it onto my #1 favorite train (which was empty), and as we were coming out of the tunnel into Portland's downtowny area, the snow really started falling. The streets were deserted. I usually see 30-40 cars while waiting for the crosswalk at Burnside. Today, it was closer to 20-30 cars total on my mile walk in from the train. But shortly after I got to work, the sun came out. There is no snow left on the ground. We'll see if the trace-3 inches they're expecting for the rest of the day actually pans out. I have my doubts. Hopefully, the "arctic" (20s) temperatures they're expecting for tomorrow doesn't somehow delay my flight. I'm getting excited to see Scooter again.

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