Friday, February 18, 2011

Poop. I'm late.

My attempts to make it another spin class this week were foiled by the little 'am' and 'pm' symbols on my phone, which has been acting as our alarm clock since moving out here. So we over slept. The whole family overslept. Usually, Bubba is in his room saying, "Hi! Heyo! Binky? Hi!" by about 5:30am. That would have meant that although I would have been late to spin (or perhaps missed it altogether), Ben would have started work on time, and I would have been to work on time. But today was different.

Ben got up totally randomly at 7:10 am. He was already 40 minutes late for work. If I take Bubba to daycare, I'm usually gone by 6:45. By the time I park the car back at home to walk to the train station, it's usually 7:00 on the nose. So obviously, I was late, too. Hopefully, I'd be able to salvage the morning and make it to work with minimal damage done.

That delusion ended when I stepped into Bubba's room. He was still sacked out. It smelled like a barnyard in there. I let Ben know I'd change him and get him ready, and Ben said he'd take Bubba to daycare on his way to drop the car off for an oil change. Deal! I went back in. Bubba was up and taking off his pjs. There was poop running down the side of his diaper all the way to his knee on the left side of his footy pajamas. Gross. It was one thing when he was a baby, but he's like a man, now. We ran a bath. And 20 minutes later, I was running to the train station. It was after 7:30 when my train took off.

Ben called at about 7:50-7:55, and I was off the train, waiting at Burnside (the busiest street on my commute) for the cross walk to turn. Burnside is about 12 blocks away from my work - about a mile. Once the light turned, I started off walking until I hung up the phone. Then, I put the phone away, tightened the straps of the backpack, and took off running. I walked the last few blocks, trying to mitigate the sweatiness of my arrival to work. It didn't really work. I plopped my backpack down in my cube, and rolled up my sleeves to cool off at 8:04. I usually get into work around 7:35-7:40. So...although I wasn't as late as Ben this morning, I was still considerably later than normal. It's a bummer, too, because I heard a guy drop some coins, but I was in too much of a hurry to pick them up...

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