Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The time of my life

Because mediation followed by travels with an infant which involve packing everything we'll need for 4 days into a backpack isn't stressful enough, I scheduled my last certification exam for today.  It was originally scheduled for last Friday (so I would, in theory, get my results back before Thanksgiving), but there was a mix up, and my exam didn't get ordered.  So, I ordered it last week, and scheduled it for today.  If I couldn't get the results back, I could at least get the pre-exam jitters out of the way before turkey day (or in our case this year, brisket day). 

I was a little amped up after mediation, going over and over what happened, what was said, what I *should* have said, etc with whoever would listen to me.  I got Bubba from "school" (and brought home his Thanksgiving card - so cute!), and stopped at the grocery to get dinner items.  By the time I had fed him dinner, I had already talked to Ben, skyped with Lily, and talked with Ben again.  Yes.  I skyped with Lily.  At her dad's house.  It was amazing.  And eye-opening.  The computer (and web cam) is in Vicky's* ready-room.  I'm not sure what you'd call it for real, but it's where she stores her make up and hair supplies.  It's quite a collection.  I'd say, other than my trips to Ulta or Beauty Brands, I've never seen that many beauty supplies in one place.  It makes me wonder what she would look like without all that help (*shudder*). 

Anyway, back to me being amped up coupled with a busy evening (I also had to do laundry before we leave tomorrow, and Bubba was out of socks) coupled with a phone that was ringing off the hook.  That's a completely antiquated saying now that I don't even have a phone with a hook.  I guess we should come up with a new saying. My phone was vibrating off the table.  There.  Long story still long, I stayed up WAAAY too late studying.  Even after I gave it up for the night, I still couldn't really sleep.  Nevertheless, I took the exam this morning.  And I'm hoping I passed.  I walked out confident, but I don't like to be one of those overly confident people who end up not actually living up to all their talk.  So I'll just say that I'm waiting anxiously for the Wednesday after Thanksgiving.  But I'm MORE anxious for the Thursday OF Thanksgiving, when I can see my husband and daughter and mom and sisters again.

* Vicky is not her real name.  But she does look like someone named Vicky...

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