Thursday, November 4, 2010

Almost Friday

I'm glad today is over.  After not sleeping last night, I dropped Bubba off at daycare (pretty good transition with very little crying), then proceeded to go to work.  I've been riding the train to work for less than two months. Today, for the second time, my train was delayed due to a medical emergency.  The first time, an elderly lady on my train became ill, and they stopped the train at the Washington Park stop so paramedics could pick her up, and the operator could clean up a little.  Today, it was the train in front of us.  I'm not sure of what went down, but it happened at the Washington Park station again.  And it almost made me late for work again. 

Sometime during the wait, I realized I had left my water bottle at home.  Shoot.  I didn't hear from the man about the news I was supposed to get today.  Shoot again.  I sat for my first certification exam.  Luckily, I had remembered my laptop, so that was nice.  And I think I did really well.  I could only miss 9 points in order to still pass.  So here's to hoping for 8.  My exam was put into FedEx's hands this afternoon.  After it's received in Wisconsin, they have 3 business days to grade it.  I hope I hear yeah or nay (go yeah!) by next Friday.

So my day picked up around 2pm.  On my walk back to the train this afternoon, I talked to Ben on the phone and found 2 pennies!!  Hopefully, that means double luck for today.  1 for the test, and 1 for a full night's sleep tonight.

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