Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I've created a monster

I started a new report at work today.  I spent a couple of hours researching the necessary fields and tables yesterday, and today I started putting it together.  I never thought I'd say that writing the SQL query would be easier than trying to get the job done in Crystal, but today, I found one of Crystal's many weak spots - select statements in the WHERE clause.  No biggie, but it made me pause for a minute before pulling in another instance of a table, which I didn't want to do.  Hopefully, I'll finish this thing up tomorrow, as it's due before "go live" on the 1st.

We're about, hm...35% done moving into the apartment?  Everything is either in here or in a storage unit.  The next step is opening all the boxes and putting things where they belong.  We started on that today.  There are a lot of boxes.  I'm sure we'll be doing this for a while.  The TV, DVD player, and (obviously) computers are set up as well as a lot of kitchen stuff.  You know, the important things.  Who needs clothes in dressers, anyway?

Bubba is taking his time adjusting to all the change.  So far, he's not a fan of daycare.  Nor is he a fan of sleeping - at least not in his own room.  So even though I'm as against the idea as I can be, I brought up the option of letting Bubba sleep with us.  At least until things settle down a bit.  It's really the only way he'll sleep, and if he doesn't sleep, nobody else does, either.  He's a bit of a tyrant like that.  I know I shouldn't baby him, but he is my baby.  That, and I am terrified of being evicted due to the noise pollution between 11:30pm - 4am.  Maybe we can get tough once we're back in a house...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know a word of what you're talking about related to work but it sounds fancy!
