Friday, December 2, 2011

What a day dad had.

Have you ever read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss? It's a pretty great book. It uses simple words that rhyme in funny scenarios that a kid can understand. Both my kids love that book (well...maybe Scooter not as much anymore), and I remember it as being one that I used when I was learning to read. So anyway, there's a part that goes something like this, "Dad is Sad. His day was bad. What a bad day dad had." I might be wrong, but you get the gist. Anyway, the picture that goes along with those sentences is kind of like what I felt like this morning.

It started last night as I was falling asleep. I probably woke Ben up with my exclamation of distress. I had forgotten our CSA shipment yesterday. Veggies get delivered to my workplace at 3pm, and I have until 7pm to pick them up before they get donated to a homeless shelter. Needless to say, if I remembered as I was falling asleep last night, we didn't get the veggies. But I'm happy to say that I donated a weeks' worth of veggies (for a family of 3.5) to some homeless this holiday season, even if I didn't do it on purpose.

So this morning, I missed my new #1 train, and had to take #2. It wasn't too busy (yay!), but it was late (boo!). Also, the electronic sign that tells me when the train will come also told me that I'll have to take a shuttle tonight for 1/2 of my trip. In my experience, that greatly slows my commute. Bummer. I trekked into work and positioned myself in front of the coffee caraffe for some warmth and happiness. It was empty. So was the tub from which we scoop our coffee. I went about finding, refilling and then making the coffee. When I got back to my desk, I realized I had forgotten my work shoes. I have to wear my hiking shoes all day today. Normally, I'd keep my head down and bear it, but today we're having our make-up all hands meeting with the CIO (chief information boss' boss' boss). I usually try to have the appearance of professionalism during those things. Oh well.

I'm about to call the clerk of court about the ex's child support abatement for his travel in October. Even though it's in the court order, this will be the 2nd month in a row that he has not sent me a copy of his affidavit OR his reciepts from his expenses. So I'll have to call the ol' lawyer, too, I'm sure. I haven't gotten a bill from my man for November. I usually get them around the 20th of the month, but I'm guessing with Thanksgiving in there, it's late? Maybe they'll grant me a reprieve. Doubtful. So, yeah. Thanks, mom, for the "anything" money for Thanksgiving. It's exactly one month's lawyer payment! We're living it up in Portland...

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