Friday, December 2, 2011

Oops. Bad mom

I missed a day yesterday. Scooter didn't, though. Whew. I'm just not that good with solidarity, I guess. I did take off of work at 1pm to take her to a dr. appointment. 50th percentile for height, 58th for weight. She had a 5 pound weight gain in the past 6 months without much height gain, so I think she's due to sprout up. I'm happy about that, since she didn't grow at all for a year at her dad's. Yippie! But...based on her current height and the short amount of growth in the current pediatrician's system, the doctor estimates that Scooter will be 5'4" fully grown. I'm thinking that she'll probably be taller, but it was nice to declare that she'll never be taller than her mother. Of course, I'm not taller than my mother, either.

Last night was swim lessons night, which means we were busy. Scooter and I were at the doctor's office from 1:40-3:20. We came home, and I logged back in to work. I had left at 1 to pick Scooter up, so I kind of needed to make up a couple of hours. Ben came home shortly after that with Bubba, and made plans to go to the park. By 4, we were "ready" to go. Scooter and I walked, Bubba rode his bike, Ben met us up there later. We rode around the park once before attacking the play area. We didn't stay long, and for the 3rd time in a row with Bubba, he was cool with leaving when I said it was time. He just slid down the slide, put on his helmet, and off he rode.

By 5, I was coaxing the little man into his seat for dinner. We have to leave around 5:45 in order to drive to swim lessons, change, and get in the pool by 6. SOOO nice. In Omaha, we'd have to leave at 5:30 and already be in our suits before we left the house. Bubba and I had our mommy and me lesson, and Ben brought Scooter closer to her time so she could get another 20 minutes of reading done at home. Ben took Bubba home, and I stayed behind to watch Scooter swim. She did so well. In the past 6-8 months, she as really developed her swimming skills. It's amazing what happens when she's "ready" to do something. She just does it! With a child like Scooter, it's sometimes hard to remember how much effort goes into it behind the scenes, though. She's been struggling through lessons for 5 years, now, with me constantly worried that I'm moving her up too fast or not fast enough, etc. Well...I know now that she's doing just fine.

I'm hoping the same holds for her writing. We got home from lessons around 7:20 or so, and Scooter had to take a shower (and all the post-shower work that goes into it, like vanicream, etc), and still do 30 minutes (remember our ultimatum?) of writing. Her dad called as she was getting ready for her shower. Fine. Her shower waited until she was done. When she got out of the shower, she asked me to sit with her while she got ready. That's pretty standard procedure. We talked about her math homework and the writing she had to do that night, and she started crying. She said she was just so tired, and her dad told her she had to call him back and she REALLY didn't want to. I asked what she wanted me to do. She said nothing - they had already said good night on the last call.

After she calmed down, she got to work on her writing. Unbeknownst to her, I set the timer for 15 minutes instead of 30. By that time, it was already 8, and she needed sleep. I did tell her that she could write until the timer went off, and if I could tell that she was trying really hard and she had close to 100 words, I wouldn't make her keep going. the time the buzzer sounded, she had 102 words, and none of the sentences started with "After that" or "Then." I consider that a success. After that, *wink* Scooter went to bed feeling happy and relieved. I consider that a success, too.

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