Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cascabelles, cascabelles...

Last night was Bubba's christmas program at his preschool. Which reminds me - I still need to post photos/video from Scooter's program last Thursday. Forgive me for my tardiness. I'll try to work on that this weekend. I have a lot of "to dos" this weekend, after Scooter flies out with her dad. Finish up Christmas shopping, head to adidas (employee store access!!), shop at the columbia store (employee store access!!), work on blog, etc, etc, etc. I'm sure with only one kid in the house, I'll have a TON of time on my hands. ha ha ha... *sigh*

Anyway, last night. Bubba was tired. He was grumpy. He had at least 1 accident. He refused to really eat dinner. Program started at 6. We got there at 5:57. He had spent 3 of the 4 minute drive in a tantrum about an umbrella. Ben wondered aloud if Bubba would even make it up on stage, or if he'd spend the whole time sitting in our laps. Ben needn't have worried. We were too late to have seats, anyway.

By the time we fought our way through the crowd into daycare, all the kids were already consolidated into one room. We walked Bubba over, and I noticed the kid with gelled hair sobbing into one of Bubba's teacher's shoulders. Oh dear... We found a place to stand along the wall, and the Pre-K, Pre-School II, and Pre-School I (Bubba's class) filed out. Bubba was front and center. The teachers busied themselves lining the kids up, then one of them announced the beginning of the show - they were going to do 5 songs, another one rang a bell, and they all started singing. The Pre-K and Pre-School II kids sang the loudest. Bubba stood in the center of the front row, and looked around like he was in trouble. The kid who we've banned from singing at the table because he was too loud and disruptive was as quiet as a mouse. Ben and I began to worry that he'd have a potty training accident in front of the 50+ parents and other spectators. We wondered if he couldn't find us (even though we smiled and waved as he filed by). We wondered if he was going to start crying.

After the first two songs, the Pre-School I kids got to sit down. I think they only rehearsed 2 songs: We Wish you a Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells. The daycare practiced in front of other daycare kids throughout the week. I would take him into school, and other kids would come up and tell him what a good job he did during practice the day before. Hm...based on this video, I'd say he's much more interested in performing in front of peers.

After that panic-stricken performance, we were treated to these two on the way home.

That last one is a dark one, but it's just so sweet the way he says, "New Yeeoooh...."

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