Thursday, December 22, 2011

always a dull moment

I've been busy as all get out, and yet I really have nothing to show for it. Scooter's been gone since Saturday. She gets back on Sunday. We're way over half way there. I'm excited to see her again. I think we're planning on heading down to Ben's aunt and uncle's house for the Monday after Christmas. Hopefully, they'll let us do the cooking. I'm pretty sure I can do most of it ahead of time (we're having fiesta!), but I'm a little worried about the rice and chili. Fiesta is a meal that my mom used to make occasionally, when we would have a group of people over. It's a pretty easy meal, and if you actually eat it with all the ingredients included, it's surprisingly delicious. You pile it all on your plate in the following order. Be warned: if you make your base too big, you'll never be able to finish what ends up on your plate.

1. Fritos
2. Rice
3. Chili
4. Cheese
5. Lettuce
6. Tomatoes
7. Onions
8. Green Olives
9. Coconut
10. Walnuts
11. Hot Sauce

I always thought there were 12 ingredients (or maybe even 13), but the list I have has 11, and I can't remember what might be missing, so I guess it's 11. I'm thinking we'll make the chili ahead of time, but bring a crock pot to re-heat it in. Also, we'll be bringing the big rice cooker and the "good" rice. I hope it's not a disaster.

So anyway, I thought that with Ben having most of the week off, we'd get more done. I was wrong. Well...not really, I guess. It's just that other things are getting done, and Ben's been spending his days away from the house. So my routine is, sadly, the same as normal: up, ready, boy ready, breakfast, work, home, dishes, dinner, dishes, boy bed, veg out, me bed. At least I haven't had to worry about swim lessons and homework in there as well. Some day it'll all get easier. And more exciting. In the meantime, I'll continue to stress about appeals, potential shake up on the employment front, and the everyday nonsense of being me.

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