Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today was day 6 of "7 days per week cardio." My legs are sore. You thought I was going to say lungs, huh? You'd be wrong. When it was just a bike every other day type of thing, my whimpy legs would get a chance to recover a bit before the next go-round. But now, I'm "running" on my "off" days. And please don't forget about the 2 miles + of walking (sometimes jogging) for my daily commute. I'm really looking forward to my swim days this weekend. Actually, I'm REALLY looking forward to getting my hair chopped off.

Just like a few years ago, when I was convinced that getting a new mattress would solve all of my problems, I am now convinced that having short hair will solve all of my problems. For one, I could, in theory, swim during the week. The 40 minutes it takes to dry/style my hair will be cut down to 5, tops. That would allow my legs some time to recover. I could do M-W-F bike, T-Sat run and Th-Sun swim.

Also, Bubba would stop pulling my hair. I'd stop tickling Ben's face with my mop while we're sleeping. I'd stop getting my hair caught in my backpack straps on my commute. I'd stop head-sweating (as much) during spin class. I wouldn't have to worry about frizz when my hair's in a pony tail because there'd be no more pony tails.

But most of all, my legs wouldn't hurt as much. I'm sure of it.


  1. I see a direct correlation between your hair cut and your legs hurting. For sure! I can't wait to see pics when you cut it off!

  2. I'm still over a month away, but I'm drooling over the prospect of not having hair (on my head) anymore.
