Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Walkin' in the Rain

I walk on my lunch break. I don't really take long, maybe 20 minutes, but it's enough to get me out of the building and into fresh air. Even though Portland is rainy this time of year, there are a surprising number of "sun breaks" in the middle of the day - just in time for me to head outside for a spell. All winter long, it's been in the high 30s to low 40s (now it's even warmer), which is perfect for a midwesterner like me to hang out on the sidewalks. I don't freak out and power walk or anything. I don't even change out of my work shoes into my rain boots. I just head outside and stroll around a few blocks. It's nice. Except when I'm 6 blocks away from work, and it starts raining, like it did today. Meh. At least I got outside for a minute.

Yesterday, I saw a woman who works in this building. She had changed into work-out clothes before leaving. The people around here have really nice gym gear. Maybe it's the "outdoor" lifestyle of the northwest, or maybe everyone I see working out is richer than me. Either way, she had really nice duds on, and a good pair of running shoes. The only problem (besides wearing that at work...why not change at the gym?) was that she was waiting for the world's slowest elevator to take her down 1 flight of stairs. I had my galoshes on and work pants (which is also probably not appropriate for the office), but I beat her out the door. It really bothers me when people who seemingly work out take short cuts like that. What's the point of going to the gym (or going for a run outside) if you're not going to make the choice in your everyday life to take the stairs? It'd be like me deciding to start driving to work because I now do cardio in the mornings and I don't want to walk 2 miles for my commute, anymore. I guess it's her right to wait for a slow elevator. I shouldn't judge her for it. I just don't get it.

I was planning on finishing this post up yesterday, but I never got around to it. I did get around to stalking my friend's kodak gallery for "scared yet hopeful" pics. I updated that blog with one. I also found this gem. I can't wait to have short hair again...please excuse the horrible sweater/facial expression. It was a few (5.5) years ago, and I was laughing uncontrollably.


  1. That hair is still one of my favorite looks on you! And you looked adorable - horrible sweater or not.

    With regard to the woman with the elevator, I have to say I totally agree - I can't stand the ppl at my gym who circle looking for a closer place to park when they are about to work out. That kills me. But maybe in this case, the woman has a knee problem and can't take the stairs? (Ala our friend titanium leg) Maybe she's working up to it after an injury? Maybe you should ask her. "Excuse me - do you have a problem with the stairs, or are you just extremely lazy?" Interesting since she's dressed the part.

    I want all new outdoor clothing. I started a running program this week and it made me woefully aware of how unprepared I am in terms of gear. But it's so expensive!

  2. True! Good running/workout/outdoor gear is crazy expensive. And I also hate the parking lot circlers when they could have parked, walked, and started their workout already! I guess I should have asked her about her knees. She looked to be in better shape than me, though, so I just assumed that she was at least as healthy as me.
