Monday, March 14, 2011

One of *those* Days

I made it to spin class this morning. It went down from there. You know it's a bad Monday when the highlight is a 5:30am spin class in which you feel like barfing for a good 15 minutes. Thank goodness Ben was around to get Bubba ready this morning. I was late getting ready (not sure why, since I got home at the normal time), so we were about 6 minutes late out the door. I paid daycare this morning (never a fun thing), and by the time I got to my parking spot, I was 10 minutes late.

The thing about commuting via rail is that you can't control the train. When you're driving, you can decide to speed. You can decide to run red lights or wait for pedestrians or whatever. When you commute by way of someone else, you don't control those things. You can run all the way from your car to the train station, but you still might have to wait for the next train. Even if you run up to the train before it leaves and push and push on the "open door" button, it might just take off without you on it. Or maybe you JUST make the train (like I did this morning, breathless and sweaty), but then you have to sit next to a guy who's hacking up a lung and smells strongly of puke. And maybe the train that you just caught will stop 4 times on the tracks for no reason or wait for 4 minutes at a stop when nobody is trying to get on or off. You can't control that. It just happens. You can run the mile from the stop to work, but you're still going to be late.

Mondays after time events (new years, daylight savings, leap year) are exciting in IT. Something always goes wrong. Always. And instead of alerting anyone over the weekend when it happened, users wait until Monday morning to tell someone. And then it's a mad scramble to get it fixed.

Don't these people know that I have a ton of things I need to get done this week, since I'll be off on Spring Break 2011 next week? We've got our largest (2) hospital(s) going live on the first of April (just joking, it's the 3rd), and I've got to get all of my stuff done before then. That means Friday. I'm scared, yet hopeful. I'm sure I've got a few photos of myself looking "scared, yet hopeful" from my days "meeting Milwaukee" with the Jessica's. I'll have to find one and post it. 'Cause that's me right now...

1 comment:

  1. hahahah - oh man - i remember those "scared yet hopeful" photos. Hilarious. But sorry you feel that way!
