Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fail. But in a good way...

I didn't make it to the gym today for my 7th day in a row of cardio. I'm sorry if I let you down. I really do have a good reason, though. Bubba's sick. I think. We're not sure. He's had a cough for a few weeks, now. It's been an occasional cough which is definitely worse at night, but once he falls asleep, he's ok. Not last night. We gave him a breathing treatment after he'd been in bed for a couple of hours. Then, we left the hall light on so he could fall back asleep normally. I fell asleep with it on. At some point, Ben got up and gave Bubba a drink and turned the light off. A while (several hours??) later, Bubba was up coughing again. He coughed so hard, he puked in his bed. Yeah. March is awesome so far.  Poo one night, puke a week later...I can't wait to see what next week brings us.

So, I cleaned up his crib and him and put him into bed with us. He tossed, turned, kicked, head-butted until the alarm went off. And that's when I made the decision to skip the cardio this morning. My legs were already sore from earlier in the week, and I was just going to do some active recovery today, anyway. Ben, on the other hand, in a display of strength, endurance, and bravado (he is laughing in the face of biology), is at jiujitsu. I was under the impression that the body needed rest in order to function properly. Apparently not. You can just get by with sheer will - for a while, anyway.

Even if I did miss this morning, I have still already walked over 2 miles (thank you, commute), and I'll be back at it tomorrow morning for Friday's spin class. Right now, though, I need to get Bubba up for some lunch before his doctor's appointment. It is nice to be able to take him to appointments and then work from home. And I'm still looking forward to this weekend, when I can swim! 1 more week until Scooter comes out here for spring break.  Yay!


  1. Happy 100th blog!

    Hope Leo feels better soon. I admire you for doing cardio 7 days a week. I'm hoping to start working out next week (yay finals week and new quarter) but I don't have the motivation or the willpower to go to the gym 7 days a week.

  2. Chest x-rayed. We're waiting for the result. Most likely, we'll have to put him on some sort of allergy medication. Obviously, I'm having trouble with the 7 days per week, thing, too. I think a goal of 7, but an actual of 6 isn't too bad, though.

  3. Poor little guy. :-(

    I'm aiming for 6 days when I get done with this quarter, *cough* tomorrow. My schedule should be much nicer and that will eliminate my excuse. Good luck on your new exercise routine and have fun with the swimming!

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