Tuesday, January 3, 2012

confessions of a bad blogger

1. I know my writing has kind of stunk, recently. I will offer the excuse that writing and editing in email is somehow not as inspiring as using the blog interface. Curses, work computer! Why don't you update my browser, already?!

2. Also, I don't have as much to write about? Either that, or I've been busier than I used to be. I'm not sure how that happened. I'll blame the holidays for part of my problem. Swim lessons (even though they've been on hiatus for 2 weeks, now), and me doing more of the cooking hasn't helped my near-constant state of frazzledom. Also, the boy has become much messier. And our apartment (seemingly) smaller.

3. I guess this is turning into more of a list of excuses than actual confessions. Sorry about that.
Want to hear a real confession?
I've been gaining weight lately. You may not be able to tell by looking at me, but I can tell by grabbing my gut. I used to just have back fat/love handles, but now, I have a marsupial pouch. Annoying. So, in honor of the new year and resolutions and all that, I guess I'll head back to the gym. It's about time I start training for the next tri, anyway. We watched part of the Ironman a few weeks ago, and again, I am motivated. I just wish it wasn't so much hard work. ha ha ha...*sigh*
...And now for my new list of excuses:
1. It was easier to hit the spin class when we were across the street from the gym. It's 2.5 blocks farther, now (one way).
2. It was easier when I had long hair (and I would wash it at night). When I'd get home shortly after 6:30, I could quickly get myself ready for the day and go. Nowadays, for speed, I wash and dry my hair in the morning, which doesn't take terribly long, but it does take a little more time.
3. It's hard enough to get the kids fed, Scooter's homework done, and the kids in bed in the evenings. By the time that's accomplished, I just don't feel like heading out into the dark and rain for a painful workout. In other words, I've become lazy.
4. Swim lessons are going to start again next Tuesday.
...And now for my plan of attack:
1. Skip spin class. It's time to get back into the pool. Spin is good for me - biking is my worst subject in "triathlete 101" - but I like swimming. And if I'm going to get motivated and serious about getting back into shape, it'll most likely happen doing something I love.
2. I can wake up 30 minutes earlier and still get in a good swim and also shower/do my hair as I normally do.
3. I can bike to the gym and home (sure, it's less than .75 miles round trip, but it's a start)
4. I can run in the mornings, too. That's a nice thing about running. You can do it as long as you have a pair of shoes and an alarm clock.
5. Once I'm on a regular routine in the mornings, I can think about the possibility of an evening spin class (although they tend to be WAY fuller ad harder to get into).
Ben's already taken care of the "eating" portion of diet and exercise. He's resolved to re-vamp his diet, which generally means there's only "good" food in our house.
And to complete the trifecta of good health, I am resolving to get more sleep (which would mean basically going to bed when the kids do). Ben usually works on his photography after the kids are in bed, and I usually mess around on the computer and watch TV. I think in order to support waking up earlier, I need to work on getting to get earlier, too. No more junk TV. Let's work on my mind as well as my body. More blogging! Less TV! More photos of the kids! Less facebook!
...Ah...I feel better already. I hope I don't go insane over this. I'll keep you posted.

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