Thursday, January 5, 2012

1st born?

I really like reading those articles about birth order and what it means about your personality, or your job, or your salary. I'm #4, so I generally fall in the "last born" category. I'm a free thinker who either makes nothing or a lot. I'm easy going, but a bit self centered. In reality, I don't fit many of those (I'm self-centered. That's pretty much the only one that's spot on), but that doesn't stop me from being fascinated by it - and pointing out to my sisters when they fit the stereotype.

In that vein, I'm posting this photo. It's something my oldest created on the "alpha smart" at school. The alpha smart, by the way, is a fancy way of saying "word processor." Who knew they made those, anymore?!

In case you can't tell, "Teacher" is Scooter. The rules are geared toward Bubba, and their respective "offices" are Scooter-designated sides of the room.

I laugh, thinking, "what a first-born thing to do." And then I worry...when siblings are 5 or more years apart, they treat themselves as only children - who fall in the first born spectrum of kids.

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