Tuesday, October 4, 2011


As in, slang for "parent." Or actual rent. I have both on my mind today.

For starters, I have forgotten to pay my rent everyday so far this month. Luckily, I have until midnight tonight before it's late. Whew. Please remind me. I have honestly meant to do it every day so far, and by the time I was near a checkbook, I have forgotten. Such is the story of my life, I guess. I like to fancy myself fairly intelligent, but I have a memory like a sieve. It comes in handy for rinsing vegetables and straining spaghetti, but it's not that great for anything else.

And onto parenting. Bubba is going to move up to the young preschool class on Monday. He's ready. We're ready. I was less ready until I found out there's a SEVENTY-FIVE dollar per WEEK price break for moving. It made the decision much, much easier. There are now 75 more reasons to move him up. Per week. I was chatting with Bubba's current teacher about the move this morning. She had mentioned that there are only 5 kids in the preschool class right now. They're just waiting for kids to be potty trained. Apparently, by the age of 3, their school policy is to have kids move to the preschool room. Bubba is only 31 months, but he's ready. There's another kid who is 3 years and a couple of months who will move with Bubba, and two other kids who are already 3 who will not move up yet. The reasoning? They are at square 0 with potty training.

Bubba's teacher mentioned that when it comes to potty training, it really takes a committed parent as well as committed daycare staff. It can't be accomplished solely at daycare. It makes me happy that Ben and I aren't lumped in with the lazy parents. Our kid is the youngest one being considered to move up in this batch. Is it because he's a little smarty pants? Maybe. But I'd like to also think it's due to Ben and my commitment to our kids. Scooter is doing well in school and her self-confidence is growing. Is it because we accept the bare minimum out of her? No. It's because we work with her to make sure her homework is getting done and to make sure she goes above and beyond to accomplish other goals: passport club, battle of the books, etc. School is important. Education is more important than soccer, period. And as far as Bubba is concerned, potty training is important. Not just for the $75 a week in daycare costs and the $50 a month in diapers and wipes. But for his confidence and education. He's ready for pre-school intellectually and socially. We just need to get him there in the bathroom.

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