Monday, October 10, 2011


Preschool started today for my little one. Well...kind of. It mostly started today. We just don't get the SEVENTY-FIVE dollar PER WEEK price break until he goes accident free for a week. Here's to hoping for next week...

This morning, when I woke little Bubba up, he was not happy about being awake. This is no surprise. He's never been much of a morning person. Example: the morning after he was born.

He still makes that face every morning, M-F. And as is the cliche, he'll wake up at the same time as normal on Sat and Sun on his own, in great spirits.

Anyway, after making that face at me for several minutes this morning and fighting with me about the potty, I asked if he was excited about preschool. Every other day for the past 2 weeks, he's been looking forward to preschool. Bigger and cooler friends, better toys, more independence...what's not to like? Except on Friday, when they moved all of his stuff over for good, someone cried. Getting your news from a 2 year old is probably bad practice. But from what we gathered, either Bubba cried, or one (or both) of his "big todds" teacher(s) cried. And now, Bubba no longer is looking forward to preschool.

When I dropped him off this morning, I suggested that we take off his coat (as I always do). He agreed, and started to make for the big todds room, where we used to hang his coat on a hook. Today, I ushered him over to the hooks in the preschool 1 class. After that, I spoke with one of the employees about his potty habits this morning (once at 6:20am), and went to get my hug and kiss from Bubba. He suggested we go back to see his big todds teacher. Today we're staying up front until the preschool teachers come in. And then the kicker, "daddy picks me up and takes me home?" "Yes. Daddy will pick you up today."

Hopefully, this little bit of anxiety straightens itself out. Because I'm really looking forward to an extra $300 a month. So is my lawyer...

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