Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Post # 200

There's actually already 201, but I took one down, so this is the 200th visible post on my blog. Congratulations for making it this far.

There's a lot I could be writing about, but a lot of it is rehashing what's already been said. For example, on the potty training side of life, my son pooped 4 times on Saturday, one of which actually made it into the toilet. Barf. Also, the ex reared his ugly head again. I filed a police report that will go no where and really do nothing. Yay. (sarcasm). We're still paying big todds pricing for pre-school care at daycare. Love it. (more sarcasm).

I volunteered in my daughter's classroom on Monday. That was fun. A bit bizzarro. Do you ever go places where you just feel like you don't belong? A third grade classroom is one of those places for me. The PTC (parent-teacher club - it's not an association at this school) runs a few educational programs in Scooter's school. I volunteer for 2 of them: art literacy and the passport club (geography challenge). Monday was art literacy. One of the PTC volunteers gave a presentation on Emily Carr. Afterward, we helped the students make their own Carr-inspired landscapes focusing on using emotion in their lines (I don't think that actually happened), and differentiating between foreground and background (maybe this happened? it's hard to tell). And then school got out, and I brought Scooter home with me. It was fun.

Also on Monday, I was mortified when Bubba threw an A#1 fit in the parking lot after Scooter's soccer practice. I don't really have any friends in Portland, yet. I mean, I have coworkers that I can eat lunch with or whatever, but as far as doing stuff on the weekends - it's all family. And so far, I'm fine with that. But it would be nice to have a friend who could go out with me or baby sit the kids or come over and play cards or something. So anyway, I've been secretly courting a woman whose child is on Scooter's soccer team. How would one secretly court someone else, you ask? It's easy. You never talk to them. You smile sweetly anytime you see them. You wave occasionally, but not consistently. You basically act like you're in 6th grade and have a secret crush on them. Anyway, it was during that A#1 fit of Bubba's that my secret friend-crush walked up, very easily and nicely put her two kids in their car, which, horrifyingly, was parked right next to ours, and got ready to go. We ended up ready to pull out of our parking spots at the same time. I waved and mouthed, "sorry!" She waved and mouthed, "Good job!!"

My sister advised that my next step should be to pull her hair on the playground and then send her a note folded like an envelop. I'm wishing life was as easy as it was in grade school.

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