Monday, August 1, 2011

Is this good or bad?

I can't really tell. On the one hand, it has always bothered me that my insurance required me to pay for 100% of any birth control I wanted to take, but it would offer full coverage for prenatal visits and delivery of babies. It woud also partially cover fertility treatments. You'd think an insurance company would not cover prenatal, delivery or fertility treatments because they have to pay out a lot for that kind of stuff. You'd think they'd want to cover birth control b/c it would save them the costs of things like prenatal visits and delivery later. It's almost like they were encouraging me to have 20 kids...

But on the other hand, I'm sure this will be another reason to raise premiums. When companies are required to cover more services, they make it work by charging more for their coverage. So I guess it's a good and bad...

In other news, today is the first day of August, which makes this a very busy day. It's the anniversary of the last entry in the diary of Anne Frank. It's also Lughasadh, which is a Wiccan holiday - the first harvest or something. Today was Herman Melville's birthday, as well as Maria Mitchell's birthday. She was the first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was also the first female professor of astronomy in the US. Today is National Minority Donor Awareness Day, which is supposed to promote awareness in minority groups to organ donation. This is also the start of Psychic Week...but I bet you already knew that (wink). Also the start of breast feeding week. It's beneficial and important. The Polio vaccine also first became available to the American public in 1956. The world wide web was suggested this month in 1990 at the European Labratory for Particle Physics. This group is pretty awesome. They developed HTML and the URL as well as the first graphical web browser. And last but not least, Ramadan starts today. So you can fast if you want to.

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