Monday, August 22, 2011

When life hands you a toilet...

...pee in it. A friend and I made up that little tidbit of wisdom in high school, and it totally sums up my day.

Today was a long one. Our car got towed last night. We live in an apartment complex. We rent TWO parking spaces (one for each car). We pay money every month for the privilege of parking outside. And we got towed because we forgot to put the little hangy tag on the rear view mirror. Poop.

I drove to work today for the first time in months - since December or so. I walked outside, got in my car, pulled out and left without noticing that the Subaru wasn't where it was supposed to be. Ben called me at work (from his friend's phone, since he lost his this weekend) to give me the news. I left work, raced home, and we spent the next couple of hours tracking down the car. I had to high-tail it back to work because I had a doctor's appointment, which is ridiculous. I agonized over finding a doctor. Normally, I'd opt for one close to home. I took a chance on one down the street from my work. If I had chosen one closer to home, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but as it was, I was 8 minutes late, and they have a 10 minute limit, after which they cancel your appointment. I made it just under the wire. Ugh.

When I left work, I searched the 2+ block parking lot for my car. I had forgotten that I had moved it after I returned from the morning jaunt and was looking in the area in which I originally had parked. I called Ben panicking that the car had somehow gotten towed, even though I have a work sticker on my window. After that, I was later than I wanted to be to pick up Bubba. When I got home, I had a letter from the lawyer waiting for me. $5,000 retainer due for the appeal. The ex filed his notice of intent to appeal late last week. I got the notification today. Ugh!!! And I was unable to skype with (or even talk to) Scooter tonight. Bummer of a day.

When I looked in the fridge, I realized that Ben had taken the last 2 beers with him on his trip to the coast. So I did what any sane person would do. I broke open the mini bottles of vodka that I had received as a gag gift from work 5 years ago. There was a full pitcher of lemonade in the fridge, which was a perfect compliment to this awesome (sarcasm, here) day. The one bright note was skyping with the in-laws (until skype crapped out on us).

I thought it was bad that I forgot my camera on our "photography" trip to Crater Lake this weekend. It turns out, that was only the beginning. Tomorrow's agenda includes calling the lawyer's office to officially put them on retainer for the appeal (it's treated as a separate transaction for billing purposes). After that, I guess it's just a long wait until this thing gets resolved once and for all. On the plus side, there's only 5 days until Scooter flies back with me.

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