Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are you sure you're sure?

Over the past year (give or take), I've had several conversations about a court dispute I'm involved in. They generally go like this:

Me:'s the latest..(blah blah blah)
Other Person (OP): What?! That's kind of insane.
Me: Yeah.
OP: I don't get it
Me: I don't either. But even if we've lost every "battle," we won the war. I still have physical custody.
OP: Yeah. I guess the wheels of justice are slow and awkward, but in the end, they get the job done. It's nice to know that the system "works" in a way...

We are still struggling through some bits and pieces, but at least the order that we're living under is the right one. Not so for this woman (so far, anyway). That news article blew my mind.

A (a man) was married to B and had 2 kids.
B killed those 2 kids in their sleep, was convicted, and served time in a mental institute. She's currently seeing a therapist.
A married C and had 2 kids.
A and C divorced.
A re-married B (the same woman who killed his first 2 kids), and LIED about it to C. He also made the kids LIE to C about who was living in the house, to the point that they even made up a name for B so C wouldn't know who it was.
B's therapist called child protective services b/c the therapist knew what was going on.
No matter, C lost custody of her kids to A and B. Yeah. They're living with a convicted child killer who encouraged the kids to lie. Not only that, but before B killed her children, she gave no indication that anything was wrong. All the friends and neighbors thought that she was a super-mom. A's reasoning now is that B is in therapy, and there are no indications that anything is currently wrong.

Even the judge that decided this said that he wouldn't want his kids around B. But that was a parent talking, and not a legal issue.

Hm...I'm stumped. Does the system work? I guess only time will tell...

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