Tuesday, December 14, 2010

worst possible outcome

I may not be a crazy-planner type of person, but I do like to know what's going on in my own life.  Yesterday, I was a "star" witness in a trial.  I kept saying to myself that it was just like a job interview.  Except the stakes were much, much higher.  I'm not sure it really helped with the nerves.  The trial was scheduled for a whole day.  On Friday night, the opposing party dropped a bomb on us, which ended up delaying the start of our case on Monday morning.  ok, fine.  We can still do this.  In fact, when we broke for lunch, we were still on pace to do it.  Except after we go, they go, and they go slow.  Painfully slow.  Comically slow.  Embarrassingly slow.  And in the end, the worst thing that could have happened did happen - we didn't finish.  I was prepared for a win or a loss that day.  I was prepared to not know the outcome for a couple of weeks while the judge made an informed decision.  I was not prepared to have to wait 7 more weeks to finish a 1 day trial, and then wait a few more weeks while the judge makes a decision.

It hurt.  It really hurt.  After sitting on the stand for nearly 5 hours, it became clear that we weren't going to finish.  I broke down and cried for the whole afternoon recess - about 10 minutes.  After that, I had to get back on the stand to wait for more questions from the opposing party.  Just knowing that we couldn't finish yesterday nearly broke my spirit.  It is almost as bad as a loss.  At least with a loss, I can start moving forward with my life and trying to nail down a job in Omaha.  At this point, I'm in such limbo.  My whole family is. 

We did so much work to finish our case by Dec 13th.  They stalled, and now, since they're defense and go 2nd, have 7 more weeks to shore up their case.  It just seems at every turn, we're doing the right thing, but getting the wrong result.  They're doing the wrong thing and it feels like they're winning.  I don't understand.  And now, since the judge allowed them to enter their motion for custody, and since they currently have temporary custody, it gives their case that much more weight.  Like, it'd be a bigger disruption at this point to pull her out of that house and bring her back home to her own family.  What is going on?  In what world is this OK?  In what world does it make more sense to reward bad behavior?  And not just once, but over and over again?  Something is broken, and it's not just my spirit.

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