Friday, December 3, 2010

I guess I'm going to have to crawl, then...

This is for all of you who think I'm a mean mom (which I'll admit that I am, but good kids have mean moms).  Anyway, my very own mother volunteered to watch 3 of my nephews while their parents went out of town 2 weeks ago.  They had gone for a walk, and were about 3 blocks from the house when the 3 (almost 4) year old announced that he couldn't walk any farther.  My mother stated that she couldn't carry him.  He countered with the "fact" that he couldn't walk.  This may have gone back and forth a few more times, but the end result was that my mom (his GRANDMOTHER) told him, "Well then you're going to have to crawl because I'm not going to carry you."  Wow, mom.  That's harsh.  But you know what?  That little guy walked the rest of the way home (if only to save his developing knee caps). 

I'm kind of in need of a mean mom (or grandma) to tell me to either walk or crawl because I'm kind of stuck in a slump.  I've tried being my own mean mom, but I'm not very good at it.  In fact, I'm beginning to think that I'm losing my mean momminess in general.  I let Bubba sleep with me everynight.  I will let him have snacks even if he doesn't eat anything at meal times.  I've even slacked (a little) on Scooter's baby-talk problem.  I need a little kick in the pants to get myself back in gear, both for my kids and for myself. 

So if you see me in the street or catch me on the phone, get strict with me.  You can even try to be inspriational about it.  I read something recently that said, "if we all put our troubles in a pile to split among us, we'd all want our own back" or something like that.  And I suppose it's true.  Once it's your trouble, you've already started down the path of coping.  And I can do this.  I'll just pretend it's easy.

1 comment:

  1. My advice: Parent like someone is watching. I'm always stronger willed with a sturdier backbone if I know someone is paying attention.

    Of course...I don't have children so I don't really know what I'm talking about...but it's all I got.
