Thursday, December 30, 2010


I've been having a lot of dreams lately.  Court dreams, lawyer dreams, and an occasional sister dream mixed in.  Last night I had a dream that we were at our 2nd day of trial.  The judge had been replaced by a TV personality judge who knew nothing about the case, refused to really listen to any background about the case, and kept making snarky comments as if she knew about what was going on and was teaching me a life lesson. It was bizarre.  And then the regular judge walked in wearing jeans and some sort of rugged, outdoor shirt on, like he'd just gotten done with an LL Bean photo shoot, and called an end to the whole thing.  Like...we were done, but we weren't really done.  My lawyer, the other lawyer, and everyone in the court room just kind of stared at the judge, waiting for a verdict, or a declaration of what was going to happen next or SOMETHING, but nothing.  We all stood there, staring at each other. 

Cut to the sister dream.  You know...the sister dream where one of your sisters suddenly hates you for no reason.  And in your dream, you had just done something really nice for them, but they hadn't gotten it yet, or noticed it yet, or whatever, and the "truth" comes out that they actually hate you.  So you feel badly about that, and you feel angry that you had done that nice thing, but it's too late to undo the nice thing, and then the sister really does notice it, but she still hates you anyway.  I don't like those dreams.  But I can't stop myself from having them. 

Maybe I should do something nice for one of my sisters in real life, just in case.  Maybe it's too late.

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