Tuesday, September 27, 2011

party party

It's been a while since I've felt like this at work. It used to be that I'd stay out late, maybe have a couple of drinks, stagger home around 2, get up for PT (I was in the Army, afterall) around 5:00am, and feel similar to this for most of the morning. I'd bounce back quickly enough to do it again the next night. Or I wouldn't, and I'd go to bed early. Either way, I had a say in the matter. Nowadays, I feel like this because I slept with a toddler in 15 minute increments while alternatively listening to his cough and then listening to his breathing (is it too shallow? Is it too wheezy? If I fall asleep, will he die without waking me up first?). This is no way to live.

I'll admit. I'm a little jumpy when it comes to upper respiratory infections (either viral or bacterial). I have an 8 year old who's been hospitalized for 4 days with pneumonia and kept in the ER for a night with an asthmatic response to her dad's cat. I have a 2 year old who got so many viruses in daycare his first year that he was hospitalized w/ an RSV-type infection for 2 days. We finally got a nanny to curb his once-per-week illnesses. When we moved here, and put him back in daycare, the viruses have slowed, but not by much. He's still sick more than he should be. And even though I was sure he'd be well on his way to recovery when I got home from work yesterday, the opposite was true. He was worse - coughing until he was sick to his stomach last night, and then breathing shallowly enough for me to contemplate waking Ben up.

So forgive me today if I am a little slow or foggy-headed. I had a wild night last night.

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