Sunday, September 11, 2011


I generally pride myself on my ability to multitask. But I found out this week that I cannot listen to a radio talk program and write at the same time. I have no problem listening to coworkers and writing or listening to music and writing, etc. But I cannot, for the life of me, listen to This American Life and write my blog at the same time. And since I have forgotten my ipod at home everyday this week, I regret to say, I haven't been able to think much less write.

The first day of school was Tuesday. It (apparently) went well. Scooter is a very positive girl, and even if it was a horrible day, she probably would have told us it was a good day. Wednesday was her first soccer practice. It went well, too. Scooter met a new friend (nobody on her team goes to William Walker), and I met a mom. She seems really nice, but we'll see how it goes. I'm pretty terrible at making friends. Thursday was a mellow day. Kind of. I went to yoga (class number 5). Friday was decompress day. Saturday was busy with Scooter's first soccer game and a cleaning overhaul of the kitchen as well as a little shopping for Scooter and I. Today? Today, the kids and I went to Seaside and Cannon Beach. We went to the aquarium at seaside and then we ate at Mo's in Cannon Beach. That area was so fogged in, we drove back up to Seaside to play on the beach. It was 59 degrees.

 And really windy...

But it was fun. I figure if we don't do fun things like that, even on a day like 9-11, then the terrorists have won.

It was a good day, and some good quality time for me with the kiddos. I guess yesterday was like that, too, since I took the kids to Scooter's soccer game by myself, too. But honestly, it's sometimes easier just me. I'm the "mean" parent. So when it's just me and the kids, I don't have to second guess my instincts. I can just be mean. In my defense, my parenting style worked pretty well with Scooter, and when Bubba is with just me, he's usually very good at listening. I might be strict, but I also have a certain amount of patience for noise and squirms. I have an intolerance for disrespect and not listening to me. But I'm pretty ok with inappropriate squeals and pokiness during mealtimes. I think it all evens out in the end. I hope it all evens out.

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