I had a dream last night that we lost the case. Bummer. This morning was looking brighter when I dropped Bubba off at daycare, and he not only let go of my hand and wandered off to play, but he didn't even cry when I left. Also, my walk into work this morning was in 53 degree weather. But that's not what this post is about.
I found 2 pennies yesterday. Coupled with the DOLLAR BILL I found the day before, and I've found $2.31 in the 4 months I've been here. So am I up $2.31 overall? No. Yesterday, I lost my tri-met pass for January. Ok, Portland. Depending on how you do the math, that loss is either 20 times what I've found so far or 42. I get a considerable discount on monthly passes, but if I were to buy that pass retail, I'd be paying $89 for it. Luckily, I only use it to ride the max (train), and they don't ever check for tickets or passes. The streetcar does, but I can ride that for free with my work badge. The only thing I have to avoid until Feb is the buses, which might be a problem if the train service continues with their delays. So far this month, trains that go in the direction I'm going have been delayed or out of service twice.
This morning, I would have made my 2nd choice train, but it was out of service. In their haste to get that corrected, my 3rd and 4th choice trains were canceled. I ended up taking my 5th choice train, which has really never been a choice before. It wasn't too bad, I guess. Except for the fact that I got into work much later than normal. The nice part was that I didn't get cold standing around for 12 minutes, waiting for a train to arrive.
And Portland giveth back. Someone turned my trimet pass into security today!