Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

Did everyone have one? I did, which is not to say it wasn't without some amount of sadness. Thanksgiving has always kind of been a sisters holiday. There have been 3 that I didn't spend with my sisters. The first one was the first year I spent in Korea. I got there in June, and while technically one earns 30 days per year of time off, I didn't have that much saved up, nor did I have the funds to fly back to the states for a weekend. Also, we were gearing up for Y2K at the time. I did, however, make it back for the second Thanksgiving while I was stationed in Korea. My oldest sister and her kids even flew in from California to spend time, all of us together. The second time not spent with my sisters was when Scooter was 3 and we flew to Hawaii. So even if we weren't with my sisters and their kids, we were at least with my Dad. The third was when Scooter was 6 and we flew to Hawaii. Again, we spent the day with my Dad, so it wasn't a totally family-less time.

This year, though, was spent with none of my family. The really, really nice part was that Ben's family (aunt, uncle and cousins) opened their home to us and cooked us a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. His sister even came down from Seattle, so even if there were no "hokomoto" sisters present, there was still an aunt for the kids. :) We got up early to beat the traffic, and it worked. We saw more sherrifs and state troopers than we did regular cars. We got down to the ranch around 9am, and it seems like the day just flew by. The food was delicious, the company was wonderful, and just like that, we had to pack it up and get back to Portland so Scooter's dad could pick her up. He flew in after 6pm.

Scooter was a little put out that she had to go with her dad this weekend. Even though she knows she has spent T-days without her cousins, she really focused on the fact that Thanksgiving was "her" time to hang out with cousins, and it wasn't fair that - in her mind, anyway- her dad was taking that away from her. I think she came around, though, and was eventually excited to see him. I hope so, anyway.

We had a pretty laid-back weekend. I made some crock pot lasagna that actually turned out pretty good. We did a little (but not much) christmas shopping. We did a little (but not much) cleaning. We went to the park a couple of times and went on a tiny hike. We also asked where Scooter was. A lot. I think Bubba gets worried when his sister isn't around.

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